Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Spirit and your Flesh.

Discernment time! When you are in the flesh, the nature of sin will manifest in your life. all self desires will be made conscience in your life. one can not say "i am living in the Spirit" and still have the conscience or desire to sin (Heb 10:2). for the flesh desires to please itself therefore anything that is to do with "denying himself" is of the Spirit. Mat 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. if you carry your cross and follow Jesus, the flesh will come against you and satan will oppose you, he will offer you what he offered Jesus "If you are the Son of God, bring yourself down from the cross" he will offer you fame and dominion like what he did when Jesus was tempted. all he does is to take your life off the cross But do not be afraid, for if you crucify yourself with Christ, in other words if you bring yourself to the cross death will lose its power over you.

For where the cross is demons flee, bondage is broken, love is showered upon you, Life will come after you and resurrection awaits thee. it does no requires ANY self effort but only the Grace of God. That is the reason why the psalmist in 118:26 "Tie the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar. in other words, let your flesh be crucified on the cross. Gal 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal 5:25 "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." my friend it is impossible to walk in the Spirit if your flesh is alive. no, not untill you crucify your flesh. When the flesh begins to die, faith comes alive. i think this may answer the question why people who seem to have the faith in the world receive nothing from God because that faith is produced by the flesh and the flesh cannot produce living faith.

people keep on saying "i believe, i believe, i did believe" so does the devil. my friend if that "faith" is only in your head its because your dead to the things of the Spirit. the moment self surrender, the moment the old man is gone real faith comes alive. faith that is born of the Spirit does not have to convience itself to believe. thats why when there is a result in healing people ask me "how? or why?" and i said its because your flesh is still alive or your prayer is of the flesh and not of the Spirit. it is unjust for God not to heal someone when He already testify of the truth "He was wounded for our transgression bruise for our iniquity and by His stripes we are healed". If a person is healed, praise God but if his not? we question "why?" or we give all sort of reasons born of the carnal mind like "sometimes God don't heal" do not let people rob you of this truth. dont let the goat steal your food. our faith is to believe all the time, hope all the time and love all the time that is our calling! hehe i dont know where am i going but remember this! "you shall worship the Lord your God in Spirit and in Truth"
end of story ;P


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