If you've ever thought about it, the saying that "the World is a stage" is very true. Everyone everywhere is always putting on an act to hide who and how they really are. and in Acting you become someone who you are not, you change your appearance slightly, you wear a costume, it's like halloween but only better! this is where i'm going to pull off my mask, costume, and just try to be myself, the real me... the things i love and hate (funny how everything seems to be a love hate thing if you ever stop to notice) but i will try not to hate much as in getting rid of the aweful habit..thats how imma improve..Hopefully ppl like the show that is me, but at the same time, it doesn't matter if ppl do or not because this is me, and it's my place to be me...hehe and below are some silly jokes *grins*.
Why I'm so Tired...
For a couple years I've been blaming it on iron poor blood, lack of vitamins, exercise, dieting and a dozen other maladies. But now I found out the real reason;I'm tired because I'm overworked. Let me explain...
1. The population of england is 239 million(example). 106 million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the work.
2. There are 83 million who are under-age or still in school, and 3 people who are still working on their PhD's since the 50's, which leave 49.99997 million to do the work.
3. Four million, four hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred seventy are in the Armed Forces, which leaves forty five and a half million to do the civilian work.
4. Of this there are 29.4 million employed by the federal government. This leaves 18.5 million to do the work. Half that many work for State and City Governments, and leaving 1,400,000 to do the work.
5. Now, there are 895,798 people in prisons, so that leaves 504,202 to do the work.
There are 504,200 people being treated in hospitals, at doctor appointments, or on sick leave today.
6.That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. ...and you're sitting there playing around on the internet.
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