an entry
anyong ha sayeo!! (hello) hmm finally..finally what! finally im writing something.. gah who cares my entries are all crappie.. well im in kuching now staying in aunt lucy's place and shes really sweet to mee...shes so caring la as in every inches of 'careness' and im really glad of that..and guess woot? their christian too seem pretty excited la to have such relatives... you know sometimes its really nice to stay with a happy family as i really miss that feeling of being togather laughing la.. but haih ebit sad la that my family tree aint really that HAPPY hehe no worries la being with aunt lucy and coussies lights up my days here hmm..seriously im a bad cousin la i can barely remember some of my cousins name and i really feel bad when i asked for their names lor BAD COUSIN BAD!! what else.. owh im here to visit my grand mothers tomb hope that i dont drop tears tomorrow cos grannie is just like my 'mum' as in she takes over the role of my mother la she cared for me really alot lor.. and i still remembered the last word she said before she left for heaven "ah sin remember reach uk must drink alot of water u know.." so i answer back ler " aiya ma there where got ppl drink water they drink beer =P" she said " U DONT CRAZY" *cries* thats the last word we ever spoke ler..
somemore i really cucu derhaka lor reach uk edi dint even bother to call her idiot boy..really miss her alot la..i still remember when i got the bad news from dad, i was stoned lor cried like nobody's business even infront of frens haha i memang muka tak malu one but heck cares..haih tomorrow really gonna buy nice nice flowers for her.. polish her tomb somemore...put alarm and fences with signs "traspassers will be stabbed to death if no respect shown"... okie thats too much..ah and thomas is married to a 21 years old girl from china and his 32 year old..look how wonderful and powderful love is..she seems nice la PRETTYNESS somemore...i always kacau her one :P~ her name is summer i said my name is winter and she laugh like mad..she said u can be winter cos u look like a girl.. im like erk dude im a guy with a skinny dragon tatto on the right hand...darn man i dont know where this entry is going..just typing whats on my mind la.. owh and cy really miss u too hehe *huggles* and thanxs for the favour.. i guess thats it la need to makan edi dinner ready *chris dinner is ready bringself down!* toodles
somemore i really cucu derhaka lor reach uk edi dint even bother to call her idiot boy..really miss her alot la..i still remember when i got the bad news from dad, i was stoned lor cried like nobody's business even infront of frens haha i memang muka tak malu one but heck cares..haih tomorrow really gonna buy nice nice flowers for her.. polish her tomb somemore...put alarm and fences with signs "traspassers will be stabbed to death if no respect shown"... okie thats too much..ah and thomas is married to a 21 years old girl from china and his 32 year old..look how wonderful and powderful love is..she seems nice la PRETTYNESS somemore...i always kacau her one :P~ her name is summer i said my name is winter and she laugh like mad..she said u can be winter cos u look like a girl.. im like erk dude im a guy with a skinny dragon tatto on the right hand...darn man i dont know where this entry is going..just typing whats on my mind la.. owh and cy really miss u too hehe *huggles* and thanxs for the favour.. i guess thats it la need to makan edi dinner ready *chris dinner is ready bringself down!* toodles
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