my goodness my camera belom sampai.. im so grrr confused!! i dont know why.. im suppose to play with it today but nooooooooo mr postman has to take his own sweet time.. crap man i want my camera now i mean NOW... nooooooo icannot be patient about something ive been waiting for err about.. 1 week.. huehue anyboo, class is fine.. i mean its not even classes la its like an induction week huahua.. guess today is my last day attending.. why ? coz i almost fall asleep in the class without the teacher knowing huaa thats because im seating in front..
tomorrow i have to cook for welcome campaign huhu another busy day... sayy what else.. man from the day here in newcastle untill now, ive been spending ReALLY alot of monei.. so i check my clothes theres only a couple, when i check my other new stuff theres not much compared to the money i spent.......... hmmmmmmmm i wonder where it went...i think i spent it alot on is the first day i wake up at uhm 8 am in the morning huahua (since i reach newc) and the most unpredictable thing happened.. hauhauh i went joggingness.. my goodness.. cannot believe right.. uhm i went with cy and hui min and guess what? i got really insulted.. coz i was LAST.. cannot believe lor.. and then guess what! half way of the jog my tummy ache jialat man.. so i walked huahuah but still got run ebit la.. to be honest, its really nice running early in the morning.. thats if the sun is not really hot la... what else what else...
waa yesterday's welcome campaign alot people .. praise the Lord but then horr the freakin people who listen to the MC.. they all go all loooo long with their conversation.. i mean come on!! grow up people.. when someone talks with a freakin microphone pay your darn attention la.. still in kindergarden or what.. no manners.. huahuah i was like that also last time.. but then the hall was FULL PACT.. and really glad la.. hehe... MR POSTMAN GET YOUR BLOOMING ASS HERE NOW!!! i want my cam! !@#$%^&*(
tomorrow i have to cook for welcome campaign huhu another busy day... sayy what else.. man from the day here in newcastle untill now, ive been spending ReALLY alot of monei.. so i check my clothes theres only a couple, when i check my other new stuff theres not much compared to the money i spent.......... hmmmmmmmm i wonder where it went...i think i spent it alot on is the first day i wake up at uhm 8 am in the morning huahua (since i reach newc) and the most unpredictable thing happened.. hauhauh i went joggingness.. my goodness.. cannot believe right.. uhm i went with cy and hui min and guess what? i got really insulted.. coz i was LAST.. cannot believe lor.. and then guess what! half way of the jog my tummy ache jialat man.. so i walked huahuah but still got run ebit la.. to be honest, its really nice running early in the morning.. thats if the sun is not really hot la... what else what else...
waa yesterday's welcome campaign alot people .. praise the Lord but then horr the freakin people who listen to the MC.. they all go all loooo long with their conversation.. i mean come on!! grow up people.. when someone talks with a freakin microphone pay your darn attention la.. still in kindergarden or what.. no manners.. huahuah i was like that also last time.. but then the hall was FULL PACT.. and really glad la.. hehe... MR POSTMAN GET YOUR BLOOMING ASS HERE NOW!!! i want my cam! !@#$%^&*(
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