Friday, March 31, 2006

interesting, the Love of God.

The son of man, came..

for he came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

He came so they might have Life and Life more abudently.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.

and he said..You are my friends, and the greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them.

He came, to take what you deserve, and give what He deserves

The Light of the world.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Faith. gonna write about "faith" seems a problem to all christians these days..and ask ourself "do i have faith?" dont define it as a problem, see it as a gift.. well the truth is it is a gift..from our heavenly there is two person in the bible that Jesus declares they have great faith.. 1 is the roman centurion and another one is the Woman from canaan.. now i wonder why the Jews did not have great both of this two character are gentiles..which means they do not know the Law..

LAW=WORKS, now it is when you know the Law, you would think they are ways to have great noo you just have to be Jesus conscience..the christians dominination have all kinds of faith.. they have faith for healing, they have faith for talking to God, they have faith for prayers.. basically faith is compartmentalize..noo the bible says Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of our faith..

now remember the story when God told moses to tell the people to paint their door post with the blood of the first born lamb? that blood symbolizes Jesus.. now take a family that has just come out from bible school for example.. the conversation script are as below.

Son : Father, did you put the blood on the door post ?

Father : Yes son,

Son : Father, but i think there is certain measurement of blood you have to put on the door post.. i learned that from the great school of theology..isnt it right father?

Father : with due to respect son, I'm not sure what kind of measurement God is using Son..we are dead, in the great school of theology they say u must know the measurement.. and then the angle for the faith u need to have a certain amount of degrees in it.. ohh nooo...

Son: father, do you have enough faith that when the spirit passes our house we will be saved?

Father: Nooo!!!! we're doomed..

Son Neither do i..i don't have enough faith... :(

how many know that when the spirit of God passes the door post they will still survive?.. now it is for God too see the Blood not them to see the Blood...and what are they looking ? thier own faith..measuring whether their faith is enough to make the spirit of God to pass by the door post.. now question are they conscience of what God told them ?

God says when i see the blood i will if you see Jesus all nothing but Jesus, God calls that faith.. faith is not for you to see but God to see.. your part is to focus on Jesus and God calls that faith..look at the girl who had 12 years blood condition.. all her focus was on Jesus..she says "if i could ONLY touch his garment and i will be healed" never lookin her ownself..

chritians these days (not comdemning your nor saying myself as a prefect child).. when they fall sick..their first mind set is to take where did the conscience go?... im not against doctors here =P ... they serve to keep people alive..

but know the real value of the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross..Faith is not believing something that is GOING TO happend, but faith is beliving something THAT HAS ALREADY happened.. which is the finish work of Jesus.. He was wounded for our transgrassion, bruised for our iniquity.. and by His stripe we are healed..He so loved you that he gave himself for you that you may have this life in abudance..

now you wanna have great faith, see how Jesus sees.. when He saw a disabled guy.. Jesus sees him standing with his mat and start walking.. When Jesus sees a leper, He Sees them cleanse.. so many examples in the parables.. you know when u read the bible, your not there to learn SOMETHINGS, your there to learn about Someone.. and His name is...and the bible says as you learn about Him.. you become the image of Him..

now what we normally do is put Jesus as the second hand, our things first hand.. switch it!! change the first hand to Jesus.. for example when your doing exercise, do not put your trust in exercise, put your trust in Jesus.. you see the focus here.. same as it goes for vision seeking, prayer meeting..the H.S is here to teach us ALL Jesus your picture.. pre-vision of our CF is combined with the ministry + the process + the people + the gifts + Jesus..

now when you have pictures from God, dont limit it to that picture only, look bigger!! we have untill 2007 in mind.. but Jesus have generations..u know what i meant..ask Jesus to turn the odinary water into wine.. and He will provide the best to you.. let Him turn the ordinary into extra-ordinary.. hehe just keeping your fire burning.. i'm lovin it'

Saturday, March 25, 2006

thinking of u brian..

i was recaping back.. on the night of the incident.. i feels really fresh.. ppl calling me at 3 am.."WAKE UP BRIAN JUST GOT ACCIDENT!!" i tought i was still dreaming dude.. and i went back to sleep... untill i heard horns right outside of the house..woke the whole house up.. with my running.. my freakin hell this is no joke man.. when i was in the car i almost pee in my pants.. i was really really shocked...brian why so soon ? go up there tolong Jesus seperate letter issit.. i miss u man...i belom lagi get married.. haih how to show u my future wife ? like u used to say.. .taipaa laaaaa... hehe different already now brian..i did told u right last time.. ive got Jesus now.. if can u pray for me lor.. hehe be more fruitful.. i blardee lonely weii..christian girls are totaly different..expectation ebit high man.. u tell me how i manage? hahaha... nvm i got God..

life is different now ler.. all grown up edi no more soon getting my master..i belom tau la how i gonna start my life.. not really clear picture now.. i cannot become like last time know.. firestarter hehe.. i really really miss you man.. why dont u shake Jesus's hand and ask him send u down for a while.. we go yamcha..? apa macam ? on me man.. i pakai pound streling... pray for me ya.. i really miss you briannn damn why u have to leave so soon...

Friday, March 17, 2006

shame on me!

sometimes a high megapixel camera is NOT really that good.. dont have good balance when pictures are taken.. the higher megapixel it gets the more pimples and unwanted stuff coming out from you face is exposed..

only 16 and above please. just playing around with my camera and this is my first shot.. ;)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i got rabbit hehe cute one!

mmm this is so cool YK and michelle got me a rabbit.. so cool and i called it sniffy.. because it like to sniff around.. very cute one somemore... mmm but she pee on my bed.. not very God tonite im gonna have to use my sleeping bed to sleep..but since shes soo cute i'll let her go la this time... i cannot speak anymore shes just so cuteeeeeeeeeee ...

not use to taking picture

backside.. cute right, wait untill u see the paw and tail..

zoom in shes not use to the flash.. room too dark

hmm shes got alot more visitors than me :P haha

Saturday, March 11, 2006

lalala my bday is gud.

hmm what to write leh.. 7th of march's celebration is good.. today's celebration is also good coz i can see most of my friends.. am i making sense here..well for me it is not a big issue old already lor.. 23 for christ sake.. my birthday wish for this year is a lil bit different hmmmmm...i assume God knows what are my request are.. all i've asked God when i made my birthday wishes is the question "When" hehe i know it sounds deep.. well this year's birthday i receive quite alot pressie and guess who won the present of the year ? yeah his name is called timothy..

so sweet la .. he made this cad by his own.. guess how old is he ? 2 years old onli weii.. when i opened up the card my godness.. my tears flow.. cannot keep one this tears.. touched by a lil kid...i think in the end of the day what matters IS the HEART.. manufactured by God.. i learned something really cool.. a great revealation from God.. what matters is not how smart, not how cool, not how good looking, as long as He/She loves God can already... wahh imagine God's word ends with 'already'.. if your looking for a partner in life...look for the one who love God's the most.. wahh simple and powerful.. i love my life ;) Amen.