Friday, April 28, 2006

lalala ~ lalaland

she was the girl from somewhere
magical marine parade
I want to sing you this song
disappearing in a fade

she caught me looking at her
from the corner of her eye
over me over you
she said run over you over me

and in a blinding flash
we ended in a crash
I got her to her feet
and then she smiled at me

Sunday, April 23, 2006


the conference was great, gave me a deep impact towards God!, things i dint aspect to happend, HAPPENED. The fire inside me right now i tell u, is useless if a fire extinguisher is used.. apart from rev joel, ok imma be honest, his sermon was all haywire but i must admit, he is really gifted in preaching.. if you give him 5 hours of his time, he would go over!! the person who really inspired me was tony anthony.. man his testimoney was really down to hell high up to cheryl said "you will defininately like him 1 " i must admitt.. i shiok sama dia ;)

think he made 2 really good is where he points out christians these days which worships with their hands up shouting out loud from a mountain to another, preaching their top solid quality sermons but do 'LESS' then what they talk..boy his wake up call flows along with the anoiting of God man.. i must admit, it is God.. second point was his short yet simple salvation presentation, smack right through everyone's face and the third point was not actually from him, but from God!! the salvation of 6 souls that talk itself.. my Joy i tell you, surpasses all human theology can explain it..

his encouraging testimony makes me wanna go to all nations and be a witness to gives me the burning passion to change the open up my old dreams where i wanna become the preacher of the nations, the man of God, the riser of the dead, the guy whom his fragrance can heal the sick and a walking bible etc etc.. basically like the days of Elijah and Paul.. hmmm actually im getting back my old fire when i was in miri ohh man i miss those days.. remembered when i just got back from benny hinn's healing crusade.. the presense, anointing and how close my walk with God was and is to come!!! give me this uhmph!!!!! to just leave my course and serve full-time...and just talk about Jesus all day long..Lord i pray i would not lose this fire..add in more oil into the torch, so i can be a might vessel of yours. I AM YOURS LORD I AM YOURS...

Saturday, April 15, 2006


my cough woke me up..getting worst coz i refuse to listen to abba.. kept eating fried food, ice cream and stuff whatever things i like in my face...when i was half alseep, i was actually thinking of the stuff we talked about in mangos...recalling back what apple said "chris is someone that thinks everyone likes him one" that really struck me right inside.. and the other things that was really disappointing is, she mentioning things that i never mention to her.. how sad.. that would be the last thing on earth i would ever say...

hmm am a person that usually let go of things easily but dont know why today i have a long thought on that.. whether i should rebuke her or let her drown.. if i stand silent, im actually limiting God's word to her own understanding..and i know everyone has this shield of protection of (its okie la) inside than instead of (Lord im sorry) well that exist for me...yess im not saying as a friend or bro is christ we should find fault with each other or rebuke them all the time, listen to the Spirit.

I remember correcting other people too like the ones i really love, man it really hurts..esp those whom your really close with but because i love you as christ love me i will have this integrity of standing with christ not to human..for if i please men, i will never please God.. now im not saying that im a Holy cow.. we're still learning.. i just love what the H.S wrote in Hebrew 12

Heb 12:7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father does not chasten?

Heb 12:8 But if you are without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then you are bastards and not sons.

Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?

Heb 12:10 For truly they chastened us for a few days according to their own pleasure, but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness.

Heb 12:11 Now chastening for the present does not seem to be joyous, but grievous. Nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who are exercised by it.

now i always ask myself how do i dicern God's rebuke? or when people rebuke me how do i know its from God or not..then God open this passage to me.. and its in verse 9-10 ..paul use fathers as example normally our Father/Friends correct us so u give them reverence..God says dicern this people who rebuke you for their own glory and benefit, are not of can tell it by the way they rebuke hmm..lest we may be part-taker of His holyness..

now this last token really opened my eyes in verse 9 Father of our flesh correct our flesh but Father of Spirits corrects our Spirit..why i quote this because sometimes christian tend to think our Father tend to use accidents to correct us.. notice in verse 9 the last sentence is "AND LIVE?" not mati..i say this because i've heard of it..noo God is good He dont correct us on the outside through 'flesh' because He has already done that on the cross. but rebukes that comes in the Spirit is from the Father whom love us and gave himself for us..ohh man 3 am i should be writing my assignment.. hehe i find pleasure talking about the Lord.. kthxbye

Friday, April 07, 2006


everytime when i watch love movie, damn it i always got effect by it... why God created me so sappy? everytime when i watch i felt everything is useless after that..just like now..i feel really stress man.. everything inside me like wanna burst out ... then i came to the point of self-pity.. im no good for anything, will never get 'the one' because i am so incapable of everything..the question of look at that person, that girl because she felt secure with him... a doctor.. or a lawyer.. bright future.. next time can have 10 kids..

this is where i come to myself, void.. total darkness.. no one will like u because.. you came from the street.. you have tattoo on your right arm...i bet when someone walk side by side with me they'll be a time even if you have a gf, you will never afford her..or when u guys get married.. you parents care neither more or less...or if you decide to bring yer girl back to your house..or to visit a house, i'd say "sorry i have no where to go.."in the first place i aint got no home.. everytime have to stay hotel issit ?

i guess, this world is full of disappoinntment.. therefore i ask God, what on earth am i doing here? i damn sien leh..loook at me im so sinful.. i cant even quit this and that habit.. how on earth am i gonna make a difference in this damn world?..then the wise One said.. have u forgot i have overcometh the world? do you think because of your sins, it can ruin My plans? isn't my Grace higher than your sins? behold my sacrifice saved the world how much more can i save you ? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gerammmmmmmmmmmmm nya aku..haih sigh grrr..i know im gonna be ok later coz He knows me well..k thx bye